viernes, 7 de agosto de 2009

Las dos mejores opiniones de Amazon

Completamente off-topic (lo que implica que hay algo on-topic en este blog, dejo como ejercicio al amable lector que determine la veracidad de esta afirmación). Para no perderlas en medio de la avalancha, aquí dejo las dos mejores opiniones que he encontrado en Amazon. La primera opinión, de Scott Carson (Athens, Ohio) versa acerca del aclamado "Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance":

It is a brave reviewer who wades into the flood of praise that has been heaped upon this book over the years with a skeptical note to sound. (Sorry about mixing all those metaphors, but if you like this book you probably won't mind.) A friend of mine recommended this book to me some years ago, telling me that the book was, for him, genuinely inspirational, a feeling that many other reviewers here appear to share. I read it carefully precisely because I care for my friend and wanted to understand him better. But I have to say, in all honesty, that this is one of the worst books I have ever read.

It is not merely that it's pretentious and outlandish--plenty of "philosophical" books fall into those categories--but it is also monumentally boring. It achieves a degree of boringness that remains unmatched by any other book I have read, and I think that if I can honestly boast about anything, I can boast about the number and variety of books I have read. I've read long books, short books, scholarly books, schlocky books, comic books, cookbooks, mystery novels, fantasy novels--you name it, this beats them all in the boredom category. After reading page after interminable page about a meaningless motorcycle drive across Montana and God knows how many other interminable states, interspersed with prurient glimpses into a decaying psyche that winds up imploding in a most anti-climactic way, one begins to count the pages to the end with every page turn.

As a teacher of philosophy I was dismayed to find that many people who claim to be interested in philosophy found this book to be an effective introduction to the topic. It is perhaps no accident that the people who tell me that this was the first "philosophy" book they read, and that it was foundational for them, turn out to be among the least philosophical people I know. Indeed, many of them appear to be ineducable in the subject, a property that I ascribe to having used this book as their introduction to the subject.

I appear to be in the minority in this view, however. I suppose that I must be some sort of philistine or something, but I can find nothing of value here, either philosophically, spiritually, or psychologically. And I still know nothing about maintaining a motorcycle
Y la siguiente, por A. Liptac de Portland, Oregon, acerca de una manta eléctrica que empezó a echar chispas junto a la cabeza de su marido en un gesto que encuentro tremendamente romántico (dudo que Nieves a estas alturas se molestase en escribir una nota quejándose de algo similar)
After doing considerable research, I decided to buy this product last winter. We were very pleased at first; we couldn't feel any wires, and we liked the timer, though we were expecting it to feel warmer than it did.

But after a month of use, my husband's side of the bed started to shut off prematurely, then after another few weeks, he noticed that the connection between the cord and the mattress pad was arc-ing!! There were literally sparks coming off of it!

I really hope this is a very rare defect, because the thought of that thing catching fire right by his head is really scary. I really wanted this product to work, and now I'm nervous about buying any kind of electric warming device for a bed!

I'm still in the process of trying to return it to the company, sorry I don't have any information yet on their customer service.
Lo de la manta, gracias a Phillip Greenspun. La del Zen la encontré yo buscando opiniones sobre el libro. Como siempre, gracias por venir. Si te gustó el post puedes apuntarte a través del correo electrónico o por medio del feed RSS (más información acerca del RSS). También puedes seguirme a través de mis elementos compartidos.

2 comentarios:

Marisela dijo...

La del zen es un brillante artículo de crítica literaria pura y dura...

Wan Link Sniper dijo...

Si, este párrafo es impagable: "As a teacher of philosophy I was dismayed to find that many people who claim to be interested in philosophy found this book to be an effective introduction to the topic. It is perhaps no accident that the people who tell me that this was the first "philosophy" book they read, and that it was foundational for them, turn out to be among the least philosophical people I know. Indeed, many of them appear to be ineducable in the subject, a property that I ascribe to having used this book as their introduction to the subject"