Enlaces de Programación y Juegos

- Programmer Competency Matrix
- Confessions: The Shopping Cart

- Mutation in Python
- Python How to Write a Spelling Corrector
- Python progression path - From apprentice to guru
- Python Infrequently Answered Questions
- Crash course in Applied Functional Programming: If you're a software developer, something interesting has been happening in your field lately. Mainstream programming languages are starting to gain features from what used to be a decidedly academic domain: so-called functional programming.
- Common Mistakes as Python Web Developer: So here it is: my list of things not to do when doing Python web development.

- JavaScript 101 – A Free 10 Hour Audio Course
- What to Read to Get Up to Speed in JavaScript

- CSS Tutorial
- CSS y las Meninas 3D
- CSS Garden
- Dive Into HTML5 by Mark Pilgrim
- Learn HTML5, JavaScript and CSS With Mozilla’s Free School of Webcraft
- A graph visualization library using web workers and jQuery
- jQuery plugin (2KB) that allows you to create an unordered list as an animated circle.

- Processing, Libraries

- The Top 10 Ways to get screwed by the "C" programming language
- SVG Fractals
- Formato .EPA (Elige tu propia aventura)
- Staging Servers, Source Control & Deploy Workflows: MicroISV on a Shoestring

- Look for English words in /dev/urandom
- FORTH. A story.
- Top 25 SED Commands

- Bell System Technical Journal, 1922-1983- A Self-Taught Programmer’s Journey by Macha
- How I Explained REST to My Wife
- Larry 'Perl' Wall explica qué es programar
- CPU Casera
- Answers for Young People (Tim Berners Lee)
- Cassandra vs MongoDB vs CouchDB vs Redis vs Riak vs HBase comparison

- What every beginning programmer should learn
- Fast and Easy Levenshtein distance using a Trie.
The levenshtein function take two words and returns how far apart they are. It's an O(N*M) algorithm, where N is the length of one word, and M is the length of the other.
- Play JavaScript Super Mario Kart Online
- How to Drink at the Twitter Firehose and not Drown
- Sage,
a free open-source mathematics software system licensed under the GPL. It combines the power of many existing open-source packages into a common Python-based interface.
- Diagramas de Feynman en LaTex
- How to write a simple operating system
- Scraper:
a computer program that copies structured information from webpages into a database. ScraperWiki: a website where people can write and repair public web scrapers and invent uses for the data
- Scraping for Journalism: A Guide for Collecting Data
- Java Bytecode Fundamentals
- BBC Computer Tutor
- MapReduce for Idiots
- Top 100 Best Software Engineering Books, Ever
- How to write a simple operating system
- Contingency table
- Eliminación de una página o de un sitio de los resultados de búsqueda de Google
- Making sense of standard deviation 

- Digital Needle - A Virtual Gramophone

- A short history of computer chess- Understanding Pac-Man Ghost Behavior
- S P A C E W A R: Fanatic Life and Symbolic Death Among the Computer Bums
- One dimensional Chess Variants
- 16x16 pixels of thrilling retro shooter action in your favicon
- Game Development Tutorials – Game Physics – Physics in 3D
 - Ajedrez hexagonal: variantes de ajedrez que se juegan en tableros con celdas hexagonales. El más popular es el ajedrez hexagonal de Gliński inventado por Władysław Gliński en 1936.
- Ajedrez Los Álamos:
variante del ajedrez que se juega en un tablero de 6×6 casillas y sin alfiles. Fue el primer juego similar al ajedrez que un programa informático pudo jugar. El programa fue desarrollado en el Laboratorio Nacional Los Álamos por Paul Stein y Mark Wells, para el ordenador MANIAC I en 1956. La reducción del tamaño del tablero y del número de piezas en relación al ajedrez estándar se debió a la limitada capacidad de los ordenadores de la época. El ordenador jugó tres partidas. En la primera jugó contra sí mismo. En la segunda perdió contra un humano que jugó sin dama y que ganó a pesar de la desventaja. En la tercera partida, MANIAC I jugó contra un principiante al que se le habían enseñado las reglas justo antes de la partida. El ordenador ganó, siendo esta la primera Victoria de un ordenador contra un ser humano en un juego similar al ajedrez.
- The Chess Master and the Compute: In 1985, in Hamburg, I played against thirty-two different chess computers at the same time in what is known as a simultaneous exhibition. I walked from one machine to the next, making my moves over a period of more than five hours. The four leading chess computer manufacturers had sent their top models, including eight named after me from the electronics firm Saitek.